Monday, March 25, 2013


I have always been fascinated by snow,
Whenever it snows I think that I don't have to do anything,
Except to sit and to watch it snow,
It is snowing,
The house is quiet and I am sitting and it is snowing,
I can hear the snowflakes dropping,
And I have never believed that no two snowflakes are the same,
They are the same,
They are you; and me,
And when it stops we don't stop,
We lie there in our cold bed,
Staring at the winter Sun,
Until we metamorphose into the Water of Life,
Flowing into streams and rivers,
To be taken up again,
Becoming snowflakes once more,
You and I.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Darjeeling's Deduced Obtuse Horoscope For March 11, 2013

Aries Mars, Pisces Moon in Synchronicity,
The Comet appears as the New Moon is waxing,
The sand falls through the hourglass as the Hermit speaks,
Turn the page, the World will reveal the One Who Seeks,
So settle down easy, don't let life be taxing,
Lovers will join in all of their duplicity,
Just watch the river flow as your energy peaks.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Darjeeling's Reduced Obtuse Horoscope For March 6, 2013

Pisces Mercury, Venus conjunct between souls,
Cancer and the Beehive divide Winter and Spring,
The Silver Tongued Devil can help you make your day,
Using your best judgement, there is help on the way,
So don't get flustered, it aint nothin' but a thing,
Dive right in to accomplish your romantic goals,
When all is said and done, there's nothing left to say.

Friday, March 01, 2013

Darjeeling's Abuse and Obtuse Horoscope For March 1, 2013

Tonight, in the East, the Moon with Saturn rises,
The Earth pulls away and Jupiter is shrinking,
The World stands naked protecting us from ourselves,
The Lovers are searching for a new place to dwell,
So remember this: You are what you are thinking,
You have a chance to take home all of the prizes,
The Love you give is equal to the Love you sell.