Friday, January 25, 2013

Darjeeling's Obtuse Birthday Horoscope For January 25, 2013

Mercury and Saturn, you'd be wise to listen,
The Moon glows full as the Sun and Jupiter trine,
Listen to the rumble of the Chariot's wheels,
You know, you never can tell how someone else feels,
So, watch whatever colors you have in your mind,
Remain humble, there's no need to draw attention,
Remember: You can gather what someone else steals.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blue Notes of Kentucky

Riderless horses out on Whistler's Pike,
Empty black barns enclosed in empty black fences,
The smell of bourbon and creosote in the old country store,
"In business since 1934"
"Hon, we don't have milk, only bourbon,
The milk it just goes bad on us."
The older Kaintucks eye us as they smoke real tobacco,
A friendly, old time smell, not an unpleasant one like nowaday's cigarettes,
Even the Kentucky beer is aged in bourbon barrels,
Fried corn meal with oysters, kale greens sprinkled with white vinegar,
A couple of hot peppers in the vinegar for taste,
Bourbon Bombe for desert: "You folks aren't from here, are you."
Friendly officers inside the not-so friendly razor wire of the Federal prison,
Once used for LSD and opiates addiction research,
Now over-populated with drug offenders,
The moronic irony of it all,
A Saturday night street corner party in old Lexington,
Then serenity as we go back up Whistler's Pike,
Visions of black barns, black fences, and riderless horses
Giving way to a head filled with semi truck trailer rigs,
Bridges across the Ohio at Louisville,
The sun rising in the South and setting in the North.