Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dream Yoga No. 79

     In the Dream Yoga we met at a church, changed into the Tibetan Truck of the Dead and headed down I-70 to Booneville turning south along the west bank of the Missouri, rolling down the looping road, through the now rainbow colors of the autumn, passing ghost houses and crossing Lewis and Clark's path where they saw the mystical spiritual being, the Maniteau, and on to Native Stone Road to an old abandoned Missouri winery where we loaded the TTOTD with perfect Assymetric Bilateral Symmetry the goods we had purchased three dreams ago.  We bid the dogs and cats of the place goodbye and set out for Jefferson City, aptly named, passing houses and farms that still fly the flag of the Confederacy, then on down 50 Highway to Sedalia, stopping for late lunch at a buffet where a women of largesse berated her toddler grandchildren much to our dismay so we changed the Dream so that she was hugging them and laughting when she left.  We overheard the conversation of the ninety year old couple at the table next to us as the old gentlemen first brought his wife her plate then went back for his own. 
    She commented, "Dad, what is that on your plate?"
He said, "Why, that is dressing, I think."
     "Well you didn't get me any." as she stuck her fork into it saying, "I'll just have a little bit."
And then, "It's good, Dad, it's real good, thank you.,"
     So we picked up and left with a low tire, heading into the sun and searching for a Casey's where they have Free Air, finding one in Chilhowee after stopping at two others that were out of order. We drove on in the Missouri afternoon on 2 Highway to Harrisonville, weaving around the town proper that Dell Dunmire bought and abandoned, on out to the west side of town to where the monument to the Burnt District, a solitary chimney with a plaque that reads, "Burnt District Monument", stands dedicated to those whose farms and villages were torched under Burn Order No. 11 at the end of the Civil War. Oh yes, they still remember.
     It was a wonderful dreamtime when we arrived home, laughing and watching the sunset. "It was all a dream we dreamed on an afternoon, long ago."

Monday, October 08, 2012

Darjeeling's Ruse: Obtuse Horoscope For October 8, 2012

The Big Dipper sinks, The Sun and Jupiter Trine,
Venus, Uranus align in the Lion's Mane,
The Sun puts you in the Right Place at the Right Time,
The Queen of Pentacles wants to keep you in line,
So Ride The Tiger to keep from going insane,
You might find yourself spending someone else's dime,
This is your day so Get Up!, Get Out! Rise and Shine!

Monday, October 01, 2012

Darjeeling's Muse: Obtuse Horoscope For October 1, 2012

Moon, Venus align Jupiter at Midheaven,
Ring Around the Moon: Rain in seventy two hours,
The Death Card brings a higher Manifestation,
Not Fade Away from a brand new Transformation,
So don't waste your time in smelling the Dead Flowers,
Go for the live ones, your Heart will not be riven,
Remove yourself from a dangling situation.