Sunday, November 10, 2013

Quartersawn Moon

They stood there in the gloaming, the old cowboy and the young girl from California. He had pointed out the quarter Moon and the brilliance of Venus in the southern Kansas sky.  He was about to comment on how you can also see the phases of Venus when she pre-empted:
"The reason we see the quartersawn Moon is not because of its light, but because of its darkness which is caused by the shadow of the Earth," She said.
"That is a beautiful thought, I never thought of it that way," then, thinking in his mind, "Are we having an intimate moment here?"
She answered his thought out loud, "You are a lot older than I am," and proceeded to point out constellations: Cassiopeia, Cygnus, Ursa Major. She pointed out Polaris and said, "That star tells us which way to go."
He scuffed his cowboy boots on the wet grass, thinking about stars and how they appear so close to each other and yet are light years apart.
"You see that blond girl over there?" She turned him by his shoulder toward the others.
"She's my partner," The term partner having a much different meaning than the cowboy had in his mind, but he got the connection.
"Well, you and I have another thing in common, other than the Moon, Venus, the stars and the beautiful Kansas sky." He turned and walked toward the horse barn.
"What's that?" She asked, turning also to leave.
"We both like pussy."


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