Darjeeling Archive
A compendium of writings, events, reviews, poems and other items of interest to people in the know and in the now and then.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Winter Mushrooms
I sat a seat for you on the sunporch,
But you didn't show,
It was to be a portrait sitting,
A painting of you,
Don't despair
Your portrait will be of some
Winter mushrooms that I picked.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Welcoming The Moon-Eyed People
Antares sits atop the cusp of the Moon
Surely an auspicious sign,
With the coming of the Moon-Eyed People
Riding on waves of green,
Bringing Manna to replenish us,
We shall drink Maedoc and sing
The Song of Opalescent Dreams
While we dance the Moon onto
The tail of the Scorpion,
Surely an auspicious sign
As the green shaft of light
Illuminates the Star Deck
Bringing their octagonal emerald ships to rest,
Oh angelic wayfarers from afar,
We welcome you to our Lunar celebration,
Your gentle presence overwhelms us,
Your countenance honors us,
We proclaim you as universal friends,
You honor us with your gift of Manna
That has nurtured us for thousands of Earth years,
Stay with us and give us peaceful wisdom.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Meeting St. Mary Magdelene Again
There was a man
At a bagpipe concert,
At the church where the light spire
Reaches to Heaven,
We were walking out
Passing the Last Supper diorama
When he rushed back in,
Pointing directly at Her
While looking directly at me
Exclaiming: “Is Mary Magdelene there?
She wasn’t really there, was she?
If she was, it was only as a servant girl,”
But there She was,
Resplendent in Her compassion,
Glowing in Her lovingkindness,
Attending to Her Beloved
With the Knife of St. Peter at Her throat,
As we walked out
He continued to lament:
“Only the Apostles were there,
Only the Apostles were there!”
Until we stopped,
“My friend, She was the Apostle
To the Apostles,
The Disciple that He loved,
To whom was given The Gift,
Betrothed to the Son of Man,
Don’t despair in Her but find peace.”
Atop the light tower She stood
Looking down upon us,
Monday, January 05, 2009
Ice Tombstones

Ice Tombstones Appear In Miami County, KS
For the second year,
"They were out there when I went out to feed
Cheyenne, the Winery Horse," commented the
Landowner, "just like last year at the same time,
"We heard high wind and snow geese heading South,
So we knew something was in the air. Then we heard
This loud boom and went back to sleep, like the
Folks over to Drexel who woke up to find their roof
Had blown off in the night. We don't know what to think
Because they aren't names on them for anybody, thank
God not us. Next day, they was gone. Who knows?"