Thursday, May 15, 2008

Looking For Lodi

We should be leaving for Lodi
For the Zinfest,
Instead, I’m sitting here looking
At a mirage
Like water on desert sand,

I should be going to my T’ai Chi class,
Instead, my room is filled with hazy smoke,
Where should I go?

I could go change some light bulbs in the Church,
Instead, I’m watching fireflies buzz around my head,
I’ve never seen them in the daytime before,

It is getting kind of dark, like dusk,
Except for a flickering candle flame,
When I stare at it
It burns steadily,

I don’t know where all of this whiteness
Has come from,
Everything is a vivid white,
I shut my eyes,

A brilliant red-orange sunset
Is now dawning,
The whiteness is all gone,
There is a swirling black spot appearing,

Everything is so black,
What happened to Lodi?
Why can’t I go there?
If I open my eyes
I should be there.

A point of luminous clarity
Tells me
There is no Lodi,
There is only light.


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