Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Undaunted By Defeat

He knew it was an inauspicious day
When fifty gallons of wine turned to vinegar,
Nevertheless, he considered it a modern day miracle
Akin to the Wedding Feast,
People everywhere marveled at his resilience,
Heaping failure upon failure
He kept telling them he was waiting for the Rapture
When Manna would once again fall from the sky,
He would be lifted up with the Chosen
Gliding up to Heaven on the Hemline of Jesus,
Singing the Alleluias and Hosannas,
In the meantime his 401 K tanked,
Bills came due as vendors discovered unpaid shipments,
Keep on truckin’ was his mantra,
Got to keep on keepin’ on, he would say
His smile quivering at the corners of his mouth,
He thought to himself,
Maybe it was Karma,
Something affecting him from another life?
But his other lives were impeccable, too,
Traffic cop in Atlantis,
Groundskeeper at Delphi,
Apprentice to Dr. Mudd after Lincoln was shot,
He laughed it all off as he proffered his charge card,
Singing, “Oh the Cuckuu is a Pretty Bird
And she warbles as she flies,”
Maxing it out for birdnetting
For his vineyard,
Where he always paid his laborers
The going rate.


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