Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Year of White Clover

Psalm 78:24-25
Yet He commanded the skies above,
and opened the Doors of Heaven;
He rained down on them Manna to eat,
and gave them the Grain of Heaven,
Mortals ate of the Bread of Angels.

The Year Of White Clover

Every night the manna fell from Heaven,
We grazed on it during the day,
We slept on the white flowers,
The leaves were like a thick carpet,
The young slept near their mothers
While the Old Ones kept watch,
Watching for the manna to fall
From the ships
High above us,
The cool green glow of the lights
Illuminated the manna as it fell
From the Heavenly Vessels of Angels
Who sang us to sleep
On the cool green and white cushion of clover,
We fed upon it and it illuminated our bodies,
We became Children of Light
Lifting our hands and voices skyward,
Basking in the verdant radiance
Until the ships went away
Leaving us in wonder.


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