Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Dying Coyote

I dreamed I saw fields of red flowers
While I was riding backwards on a donkey,
There was a dying coyote lying in the road
So I stopped,
It was panting with eyes closed,
A young, healthy coyote with a good fur coat,
It had been hit by some vehicle,
There was no blood,
Only panting which blew the road dust away
In small clouds,

“Oh you compassionate ones, defend one who is defenseless” *

I pressed my fingers to my eyes to see the clear light
But it was not there,
The coyote struggled a bit then lay still,
I wanted to provide some comfort
But I was afraid,
I reached out my arms but they disappeared,

“Oh, sentient being formerly known as coyote,
The winds are leaving your physical body and you are about to
Enter the Liberation of the Great Awakening so listen closely.” *

The coyote opened its eyes,
I cupped my hands to my ears but I could not hear the whirring sound,
I leaned as close as I dared,
“Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Ah Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum,:”
I repeated until the small body quivered and was still,
The last breath blowing into the dusty road
I mounted backwards on my donkey and rode away
Gazing intently at the small brown body,
And the field of red flowers.

*Bardo Thodol


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