Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Shroud Of Browne - A Dream Yoga Experience

She told me that in her past life
She had been a dogcatcher in Palo Alto, CA,
So living in Kansas
Had been an adjustment,

Before that she had been in charge
Of the Queen’s Kennel,
Raising whippets for sport and pleasure,

Three lifetimes ago, she said,
She raised sheep in Scotland
Her Border Collies mistreated and ill-fed,
Karma is a real thing, she added,

Now she lies under her burial shroud
Safe from the vultures in the trees,
Who peer down upon her
Waiting to hear her last aspiration,

Poised over her I lift her head
To pour water out of my hand
Onto her dry tongue,
Mantras flowing from my consciousness to hers,
She looks up,
Her tail wags once,

“Oh, Sentient Being, there will come a bright light.”


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