Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Dynamics Of Tension

For years you lived in solitude
Yet you made no effort at self improvement,
Your Howard Hughes attitude
Served you well,

So what makes you think
That anyone would be surprised that your
Mind went on the blink,
While you spent the last three days in Hell?

There is a certain amount of tension
That accompanies your deliberate movement
Out of temporary suspension
Of your life of living in a cell,

You realize that you’re rather crude
But you’re not any kind of regular dude
When you go to see your shrink
Then vomit in the kitchen sink,
Entering into your old dimension
Of not wanting any outside attention,
Casting about your mystic spell
From the inner cave where you dwell,

You might have thought
That you would never be caught
In this somewhat embarrassing situation,
That your actions though irrelevant
Would turn out to be malevolent
Or that you would be just another human iteration.


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