Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Out of Range

This is really a weird day.
Maybe because Mercury is in retrograde.
I am on the lookout for karmic pitfalls.
A T’ai Chi student last night asked if I would be interested in writing a book on T’ai Chi.
Her boyfriend works for a well known publishing house.
Solar flares of ego shot out of my brain.
Reality set in.
I fleshed out an outline of chapters.
It could be done.
Should I do it in DaVinci Code Style?
Mention the Grateful Dead and cash in on gullible deadheads?
I forgot my checkbook and it’s Kiwanis Pancake Day.
I’m about as in tune as a cat’s whisker boy-scout radio.
This is crazy.
“CQ, CQ, come in, CQ”


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