Tuesday, November 09, 2010

A Visit From Narrow

There she sat, full and radiant,
Her effulgence cascading around her,
She averted her eyes
Lest they pierce to the very soul,
Her reptilian skin
Bare on her back
Felt like soft leather,
She turned her face,
Eyes now softened with a beguiling smile,
Enticing conversation,
Inviting arms reaching out,
Their patina enhanced by the soft veil,
She detaches herself, standing up
Offering the Ganesh Temple Mandala
In the form of a huge tea vessel,
Full knowing her powerful vision,
She sets it down before embracing,
She lives vicariously
On your doorstep,
Outside your window,
Under the plum tree garden,
Surfacing to bring you enlightenment,
To protect you,
To show you The Way
That you so squanderously ignore.


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