Friday, October 14, 2005

Facing The Enemy IV

"Man, did you hear the shit that went down last night?" Steiner had just picked up Darjeeling and was headed out to the ice plant for more ice. "I guess they came through the wire over by the POL yard, went onto the airfield and blew up four or five Chinooks before they routed them. Nobody was killed and they said they got a couple of them, let's go check it out."
"Man, I thought Tet was last month, I mean nothing happend then."
"Yeah, you and your oranges, everybody thought that was cool." Steiner wheeled onto the shoulder next to the airfield. They could see a crowd around a couple of the gutted Chinooks. Steiner took a couple of photos.
"Come on, man, I got to get over to the plant." Steiner fired up the truck and headed past the burned out Chinooks, they could see the blankets covering two bodies on the tarmac. When they got to the ice house the Chinese gentleman was standing on the dock with his hands on his hips. "Always late, always late," he said and pointed to his watch. Darjeeling looked around for Van but didn't see him. Steiner backed up to the dock and got out.
"Uh, sir, where is Van?" Darjeeling asked of the man.
"Not here, not here, inda wi-uh, inda wi-uh." The man had a serious look on his face. Darjeeling went over to the Vietnamese who were standing and waiting for rides to their work area.
"Van, where is Van?" Darjeeling asked.
"No here, ca ca dau, over there," the young Vietnamese girl pointed toward the airfield.
"Steiner! Take me back to the airfield! Now!" Darjeeling jumped in the truck as Steiner peeled out from the dock. He pulled right onto the airfield and right up to where the two bodies were. Darjeeling ran over and stood looking at them.
"Get out of here, private, this area is off limits," a second lieutenant approached him with his hand up.
"I think I know one of them, sir, please let me look." Darjeeling walked around the lieutenant and up to the blanketed bodies. Like a detective making an identification at a crime scene he pulled up the corner of the blanket nearest. There lay his friend Van. He covered him up and turned around heading back towards Steiner who could tell what had happened. The lieutenant approached him again.
"A friend of yours, private?"
"No sir, never seen him before, I made a mistake." Darjeeling grabbed the door and jumped in the truck. "Get me the fuck out of here, Steiner." He got back to the ice house and walked into the cold room. He sat down on a three hundred pound cake of ice and cried, his tears freezing on the ice house floor.


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